Enterprise Solutions
Fonicom has extensive experience in systems integration of Servers, Storage, Networking, Security and Data Protection. Along with our Managed Services our team of industry-certified professionals are driven by expertise and project management excellence in evolving technologies.

To get the most from your IT infrastructure, you need the right server system. This means selecting the proper platform, building it to the right capacity and configuring it to your application environment. With all of these elements in place, you can maximize scalability, lower your operational costs, and greatly enhance overall system performance.
We are living the big data, cloud, and analytics era that is driving massive growth in critical data and an increased demand for storage. Adding storage capacity to data problems is not always the solution. We understand that the right storage strategy can dramatically reduce costs and improve productivity and output.

Virtualisation is integral to the strategies of IT leaders. For many organisations, cost savings and the containment of capex are the initial driving forces behind the uptake of virtualisation.
Other drivers have now emerged. Virtualisation improves resilience and business continuity and assist organisations in disaster recovery preparations.
Hyper-Converged Infrastructure
Break free from the limits of today’s hyper converged infrastructure solutions that cannot consolidate all of your workloads, force you to scale in ways that strand resources, and throttle the performance required by next-generation applications. Stop making compromises, and instead, focus on innovation that can transform you into a datacentric organisation.